First Lutheran Church

Bellefontaine, OH

"God's Work, Our Hands As We Keep Christ First"

Life Events
From the time we are born we experience important stepping stones that shape our lives.  At First Lutheran Church we celebrate these life events by remembering them in worship, blessing each event, and walking together as a family.
We believe that Baptism is a gift of God's grace in which we become inheritors of the kingdom and children of God.  Baptism is God claiming us.  We believe in "One baptism for the forgiveness of sin."  We believe that because baptism is a gift of God, infants as well as older persons should be baptized.  To schedule a baptism please call the church office at 937.592.7699 or email the church office
Bible Presentation
First Lutheran Church believes that everyone should dwell in God's word.  In Baptism parents promise to "place in their hands the holy scriptures."
To support our families in this promise, age appropriate Bibles are presented to our youth when they turn 3 years old, when they enter the 3rd grade and when they begin confirmation in the 6th grade.
Blessing of the Backpacks 
Each year on the Sunday before school begins we encourage our youth to come to church with their backpacks!  We then bless them and the youth as they begin a new school year.  We also take time to bless the teachers and school administrators!
Confirmation is a time to grow in faith as our middle school students explore what it means to be a christian.  For more information click on confirmation.
An important milestone in every student's life is graduation, be it from high school or college.  Graduation marks a beginning and an ending.  As a family, connected by the promises of God, we walk together as we support our young adults in their ever changing lives. 
Each spring, graduates are recognized for their accomplishments as they embark on a new chapter in their lives always knowing that their church family will keep them in prayer.

First Lutheran believes that marriage is a lifelong relationship based on the promise of faithfulness between one man and one woman to each other. We believe that marriage should be rooted in steadfast love of God and that God's faithfulness and self-giving love are the models of the relationship in a marriage. We believe that God, along with the church, desires that marriage be characterized by faithfulness, joy, love, growth and fulfillment.


To schedule a wedding at First Lutheran, please contact the church office at 937.592.7699 or e-mail our Office Manager Brittanny Porter.  To view our wedding policy book please click on the link below.

Summary of our resolution on the issue of same-sex marriage


Like many congregations, First Lutheran has wrestled with the issue of same-sex marriage. We believe that all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, are beloved children of God. At First Lutheran, all people are welcome, invited, supported, and loved, regardless of sexual orientation or sexual identity. We recognize that marriage can be either a civil ceremony or a religious ceremony. We recognize and agree with the right of the state to marry two people of the same sex, and we honor those marriages, as well as marriages performed in other churches, as being valid.


We do not have consensus as to whether Bible passages like Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, Romans 1:26, and others condemn relations between two men or two women in a loving, committed, monogamous marriage or not. Some, including the current pastor, do not believe that these passages have anything to say about people in loving, committed, monogamous relationships. Others disagree. Because we have no consensus, our congregation will not at this time wed two people of the same sex.


Our formal resolution, passed by our council on November 5, 2018, can be viewed in its entirety by clicking on the link below.

As part of our ongoing pastoral care, First Lutheran visits those hospitalized, shut-in and all with special concerns.  To notify the pastor please contact the church office at 937.592.7699.
Funerals can be arranged by calling the church office at 937.592.7699.

Lord, now let your servant go in peace;

  your word has been fulfilled.

My own eyes have seen the salvation,

  which you have prepared in the sight of every people.

A light to reveal you to the nations

  and the glory of your people Israel.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,

  as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.



All Saints Service of Remembrance
Each year in honor of All Saints Day, a Service of Remembrance is held. We remember all the First Lutheran members who have died during the past year as well as other loved ones. For more information, please contact the church office at 937.592.7699